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Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE)

Accredited Courses

The following online courses have been approved by Brisbane Catholic Education as a Professional Development Program for Accreditation Maintenance to Teach in a Catholic School and Teach Religion in a Catholic School.


Laudato Si & Our Call to an Integral Ecology (BCE)

This course gives you an opportunity to engage and reflect on the key messages of…

Integrating Ecology Across the Curriculum (BCE)

This course will help participants to gain confidence in incorporating ecology as a theme in…

Promoting Capabilities through an Ecological Lens (BCE)

This course gives you an opportunity to engage with and learn more about how you…

Developing a Whole School Approach to Ecological Thinking and Faith in Action (BCE)

Pope Francis highlights the importance of ecology within our Catholic faith tradition. There is a…

Student Courses on sale now!

The Little Earthies Student Courses are self-guided, entirely online and flexible which means they can be completed any time that suits each teacher and school.

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